Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I miss my family!!!!

Hello Again Guyssss!!!

Well, I am back for another post...I wanted to update on my acting..I went to class and Frankie (my partner) did our scene FIRST!!!! it was so crazy but all in all i think i did quite ok! anyway..i wanted to share some things with you guys about my life...I want to become an actor because 1. I love the ART and 2. MY FAMILY!!!! i want to support them and give them things they can only dream of and that means even if i have to work at 24 hour acting gig to do then so be it...I currently live with my boyfriend right now and while that is really great..his family isnt really that family oriented like mine was..I really miss my MOM, my BROTHER, my DAD, and just the daily gatherings that we use to my MOM waking me up early to have breakfast or just hanging out with them...I miss my BROTHER yapping all the DAD always giving me lectures..even though they are such small things in life but they add up to really BIG memories for me...i guess the saying is very true " ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER"...I constantly find myself always thinking and wanting to connect back with my my brother ex girlfriend for instance...I emailed her today and i really miss her!! its just really hard when i feel that i live on my own with my bf...always missing the homecooked meals, the daily chats, the arguements...and those things really seem trivial but lately i really miss them...but i know that it i work hard at what i want i will get there and make my family really happy!!! you know...sometimes work can get a little overwhelming for me....but i just thinkg that i need the money and i need that money to pay for acting school so that i can take care of my family in the future..So i dedicate this blog to my FAMILY!!! I love you guys and i will do my best in ACTING so that i can provide the life you guys have always wanted!!! LOVE YOU FOREVER!! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Blog, New Start!!

Hello Everyone!!!

Well today I decided to start a blog about my journey on becoming an Actress! I am really nervous because I just really started this journey and I feel I dont even have my foot half way through the acting door. I am taking classes right now and its going great but I get afraid that I wont make it!!! That is the scariest feeling is doing something that you love but, dont know if it would ever happen for you. The industry that i want to be in is a very dog eat dog industry and being Asian is just another set back for you know, most asians dont get main streams roles and are mostly type casted almost always! but i am out to change all that. I want to win an Emmy, Oscar, Sag, Bafta! you name it i want it. I will never let any obstacle get in my way!! But as I tell myself that i feel so helpless..I work at a job that I like but dont love...I am not meant to be chained to a desk. I want to go out there and not do something so Mundan and Repetitive Monday - Friday! I am sure most ppl feel that way about their lives, but its hard to see it that way when I feel that I am the only one standing still while everyone's life is moving forward with kids, a college degree, a family...I just wants whats best for my family and be able to afford things for them that only they can dream of...I want to ACT so bad....Every morning when i wake up i think of acting..when i go to bed I think of acting...its a real big passion of mind so I hope that everyone gives me their support. Thanks sooo much!!!! See you guys in my next blog!!! :)